
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make the label "all natural" illegal in grocery stores

I researched this topic for history during model senate. When I told my family they were shocked. W'eve been paying more for foods labeled "all natural" for years, unaware of how little this label means. By making the label illegal it will protect consumers.

Many grocery stores market food as “all natural,” knowing that consumers confuse the label “all natural” with “organic.” The federal regulations determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ensure that foods labeled “organic” were farmed without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides, GMOs, antibiotics or artificial growth hormones. The same regulation for “organic” foods is held throughout the US but “all natural” food’s regulations can differ depending where you are in the US, who manufactured the food and what store is carrying the product and there are no legal regulations as to what “All Natural” indicates. The common tactic companies use for falsely marketing their foods as healthy or wholesome is called “greenwashing,” where they use words, and labeling that imply their products are completely natural.
 Consumers assume that “all natural” implies that the products do not contain GMO’s but research has found that over 80 percent of North American crops are genetically modified. “Organic” livestock can only be categorized as “organic” if it is antibiotic free and fed organic feed. By tricking people into eating the false products, companies are also tricking people into consuming unhealthy contaminants that would not be found in organic foods. Studies done by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) show that GMOs can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Since GMOs were introduced in 1996, food allergies have skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others have been on the rise. Certain herbicides are  linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer. Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs.

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