
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Selfish Complaint

*disclosure: this not a real complaint of mine*         

Everyday I get home from school ready to relax after a hard day's work, dreading the call: you need to go pick up your brother. 
         My brother is a freshman at Southeastern Regional Vocational in Easton, a town over. About a thirty-minute drive round-trip if I don’t get stuck behind a school bus. Thirty minutes of my life everyday that I will never get back. My parents – despite my need to relax – have the audacity to blackmail me into making the trek. They remind me that they paid for my driving classes, my permit my license, the car they let me drive and gas and they could take it away if I don’t do that simple thing for them. Simple. Please.
         Not to mention my Grandmother who lives with me is perfectly available to pick him up. Sure she’s eighty years old and her eyesight (and I think sanity) is going, at least then I wouldn’t have to waste my time.

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