
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make the label "all natural" illegal in grocery stores

I researched this topic for history during model senate. When I told my family they were shocked. W'eve been paying more for foods labeled "all natural" for years, unaware of how little this label means. By making the label illegal it will protect consumers.

Many grocery stores market food as “all natural,” knowing that consumers confuse the label “all natural” with “organic.” The federal regulations determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ensure that foods labeled “organic” were farmed without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides, GMOs, antibiotics or artificial growth hormones. The same regulation for “organic” foods is held throughout the US but “all natural” food’s regulations can differ depending where you are in the US, who manufactured the food and what store is carrying the product and there are no legal regulations as to what “All Natural” indicates. The common tactic companies use for falsely marketing their foods as healthy or wholesome is called “greenwashing,” where they use words, and labeling that imply their products are completely natural.
 Consumers assume that “all natural” implies that the products do not contain GMO’s but research has found that over 80 percent of North American crops are genetically modified. “Organic” livestock can only be categorized as “organic” if it is antibiotic free and fed organic feed. By tricking people into eating the false products, companies are also tricking people into consuming unhealthy contaminants that would not be found in organic foods. Studies done by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) show that GMOs can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Since GMOs were introduced in 1996, food allergies have skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others have been on the rise. Certain herbicides are  linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer. Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs.


This is a link to my PSA on the dolphin slaughter in Taiji Japan and how we can stop the killing by boycotting the dolphin entertainment industry.  Some of our school's faculty do not take Environmental Issues seriously as an important course because there is no formal testing, but through projects such as this I have developed much more interest then I have in any other subject.

I really think Environmental Issues is equally important as the mandatory science classes we are taking in school. Just as chemistry and biology are important for us to take as they give us insight on how science effects us as living organisms, environmental issues teaches us how to fix/prevent the problems directly effecting our futures. Our generation is in dire need of education on topics like global warming and animal endangerment, as the way we conduct our lives is destroying our earth, our organisms and eventually us..

Only with the awareness and passion for change that this class instills, will we beable stop and hopefully) reverse these issues before it is too late.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


         As I rounded the corner of the bleak path, my hand firmly grasping the rope, which held the scraggly dog, a far away house came into view. The house rather – the shack – stood before me with splintered wooden steps leading up to the porch. The hinge on the front door creaked slowly as it swung open and closed in the wind. “Is this where you came from?” I asked the dog. He looked up at me and through the long hair that hung over his eyes I could see an expression of despair. But now, the dirt road on which we trod ended, and became tall grass leading to the wooden structure. I questioned whether to move forward. The sun stood high in the sky but something about this place felt dark and cold. I couldn’t just leave him here to run off again, where was his owner? As I stepped into the field I shiver ran through my spine. There was something twisted on this land, something evil.
         We were just approaching the house as I felt a sharp tug on my wrist. The dog was pulling with all its might, an act of sheer terror trying to escape the property, but its poor frail figure soon gave into my grip on the rope and he reluctantly followed behind me, his tail tucked between his legs. I stepped onto the porch, carful to avoid the broken wooden boards. Knocking on the door, the house let out a loud crackling noise, as if it was warning me “danger get away while you can.”
         “Hello, is anyone home? I found your do – ”  “– you there!” I shot around. “What are you doing with my dog, girl?” How did this woman get here? There was no way I could’ve missed her on my walk in. The field is completely open with no place for her to hide! She stood ten feet before me. Her long black hair did not fall, but hovered around her head like a crown of death. Her leathery face was wrinkled and a tattered black cloak draped over her bony shoulders. “Flifferhozza, come here you stupid brute. So your trying to steal my dog, are you?” She began walking towards me, “Don’t you know who this dog is?” “I’m sorry I was just –” “ – This is the rarest bread to walk the earth, bread by the devil, a sacrifice of its soul will bring a witch like I immense power.”
         Then I grabbed the innocent dog, we booked it out of there and lived happily ever after, the end.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Selfish Complaint

*disclosure: this not a real complaint of mine*         

Everyday I get home from school ready to relax after a hard day's work, dreading the call: you need to go pick up your brother. 
         My brother is a freshman at Southeastern Regional Vocational in Easton, a town over. About a thirty-minute drive round-trip if I don’t get stuck behind a school bus. Thirty minutes of my life everyday that I will never get back. My parents – despite my need to relax – have the audacity to blackmail me into making the trek. They remind me that they paid for my driving classes, my permit my license, the car they let me drive and gas and they could take it away if I don’t do that simple thing for them. Simple. Please.
         Not to mention my Grandmother who lives with me is perfectly available to pick him up. Sure she’s eighty years old and her eyesight (and I think sanity) is going, at least then I wouldn’t have to waste my time.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ridiculous Argument: Twilight

            The Study of American literature is one of the most important aspects of high school English classes, but for the past eight years we’ve allowed teachers to overlook one of the most influential novels of the decade: Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. Since its release in 2005, the vampire romance series has had a profound effect on teens and adults alike.
            It is a testament to English department’s priorities and standards as they continue to direct their attention away from the book. The Twilight novels have gained worldwide recognition, selling over 100 million copies in 37 different languages. It quickly appeared as #5 on The New York Times bestseller list, and Meyer was ranked #49 on Time Magazine's list of the “100 Most Influential People in 2008.” Given that The New York Time’s is a good judge of books, Twilight is clearly valid by literary standards. 
            As a Teen People "Hot List" pick, and An American Library Association "Top Ten Books for Reluctant Readers,” students make a deep connection with this novel. Edward, the bloodthirsty vampire’s love for Bella, forces him to resist his temptation towards biting humans.  His struggle can translate into the work ethics of our students as it teaches them discipline.
            The Statistics and redeeming value that Twilight presents point towards it being a vital literary source in the lives of teens. We can’t continue to accept the deprivation that English teachers ensue by refusing to incorporate it into their lessons.  In the wise words of Bella Swan, “Death is Peaceful, Life is harder,” but by reading this book we can bring a little more peace to the lives of our students. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Difficult Conversation

(boyfriend and girlfriend walking on the beach)

Sheila: Today was the perfect beach-day. 

Tim: I know right? Nothing could go wrong..

Sheila: No way...

Tim: What?

Sheila: That's Bill! My ex. I haven't seen him in months!  Why don't we just turn around, he hasn't even seen us yet, and look he's with his new girlfriend!

Tim: Oh my god, she looks just like you! 

Sheila: No she doesn't!

Tim: Tall, blonde, glasses... except maybe she's a little fatter..

(bill waves)

Sheila: Great. Now he's seen us. We have to say hi... Do I hug him or give him a handshake? Ugh.

                 Bill! How are you? Its been so long!

Bill: Sheila!!! Hi!! Your good- I mean- I'm good. How are you?


Bill: Umm this is my girlfriend.. Stacey

Stacey: So nice to meet you! Bill talks about you all the time. 

Girlfriend: Oh... ya.. he does?

Stacey: Constantly! And i've seen so many pictures of you hanging around his apartment!

Sheila: Great? Oh I'm sorry, Bill this is Tim.

Tim: Oh hey Bill, you know its funny, Sheila doesn't talk about you much.

Bill: She doesn't?

Tim: Nope. 

Sheila: Anyways it was nice seeing you but we've got to run!

Bill: Ya I'm so glad I ran into you. We should totally get together sometime! Did you change your number? I've tried texting you 

Sheila: Oh ya you know I've been having trouble with my cell lately. Okay bye!

Tim: Ya, bye is right. 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Take the Perspective of a Non-Human Thing.

I'm a football. It's a tough life but the glory is worth it. People think its wonderful being a football player but the real fame is in the ball. Every game, all eyes on me. The most difficult part of my job is the constant inhalation. I need to be inflated if I want to play so all I do is breath in, in, in, and never out. My breathing becomes particularly strenuous when the players pile on top of me during a tackle. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had the wind knocked out of me. Another struggle is the motion sickness. The rush of soaring through the sky is spectacular, but the constant spirals would make any ball's head spin. It may be a difficult life but theres nothing like being the center of attention, because whats football without the football?